Methods of the Course
We’re dealing with deep stuff, and we’re going to approach it from multiple angles.
- Educational: Learning about traits helps you know why you employ strategies.
- Interpersonal: Interacting with others who are wired in a very similar way is powerful. It reduces shame and self-judgment and introduces tremendous wisdom and support from others.
- Neurobiological: Understanding the biological underpinning of why ADHD-like traits exist.
- Behavioral: Components of this course aim to change levels of awareness and sharpen skills for attention and focus. This helps inform better choices aligned with personal values and around what has personal meaning.
How Lessons Work
Each week, a new lesson will be added to your class page. You will be notified by email when your lesson is available, and you can log in at any time to access it.
Please note that the course is designed to move you through the content in order. You will not be able to start a new lesson until you finish the one before it and click the “Mark Complete” button at the bottom of all lesson and topic pages. You will notice that the lesson and topic titles in the Course Navigation (see right sidebar) turn green after you’ve completed them.
Basically, you can pick up where you left off each time you log in and move through the available lessons at your own pace. Just don’t forget to click the buttons.
- Introductory video
- Quick summary of key points
- Written lesson broken up into short topics with images and infographics
- Make This Lesson Yours questions and activities
- Toolkit of recommended resources for further exploration
Some Advice to Help You Succeed

Introductory Videos
I encourage you to watch the short introductory video each week before diving into the rest of the lesson. It will provide valuable context for the rest of the material.

Make This Lesson Yours
You will find these questions and exercises sprinkled throughout the class. Usually there are 3 or 4 per lesson. They are not intended to be difficult. They’re your opportunities make sure you understand the material in each lesson and connect it with your personal experience.
All of the questions are optional, of course, but I strongly encourage you spend at least 5 minutes on at least one question per lesson. You can write your response, talk about it someone you trust, videotape yourself, or even draw a picture.

You’ll find all sorts of amazing resources in the Lesson Toolkit, the last topic of each lesson. These resources include videos that support key learning from the lesson, as well as links to books, articles, self-tests, websites, and other tools that can help you get more out of the content.
As always, I want to hear your feedback on these resources — their relevance, value, and any additional nuggets that you think your tribemates would value.
You should expect to spend on average roughly two hours per week watching the video, reading the course document, and doing the exercises.
Some participants spend more time, and some spend less. The more time you spend, the more you will learn.