by Don Baker, Founder | Jan 15, 2015 | Adult ADHD Toolkit
Check out this amazing blog post from Scientific American, October 21, 2014 The Creative Gifts of ADHD by Scott Barry Kaufman Every once in a while, I come across a blog post that resonates – really resonates – for me. J Lo has her word for “really resonates” on...
by Don Baker, Founder | Nov 1, 2014 | Adult ADHD Toolkit
When Dr. Robert Glover asked me to write about a common ADD / ADHD trait: resistance to structure, commitment, and accountability, I jumped at the chance. I’ve learned over the years that if I want to do something in a reasonable amount of time, I need to commit to...
by Don Baker, Founder | Oct 6, 2014 | Latest ADHD News
I love self tests. The results are always fun to get. You go through them and think, “Yeah, that sounds like me” or “Mmmm, that one’s a stretch but I guess I can see it in this way…” I especially like the process of taking self tests. I’m now in the habit...
by Don Baker, Founder | Oct 1, 2014 | Adult ADHD Toolkit
I was standing in the shower after taking an amazing bike ride this morning. Unusually low humidity and a cool north wind had cleared up any haze in the sky in the Seattle area-the Olympic Mountains looked GIGANTIC today and provided the perfect backdrop to the chop...