Are you aware of how important it is to consume lots of animal-based omega-3 fats, with one of the best sources being krill oil?
I’ve been more and more fascinated by how essential omega-3s are for optimal health and particularly critical for brain health in people with ADHD traits. What’s most amazing AND hopeful is how great an impact they have in healing and restoring brain function after a traumatic brain injury.
This Practical Guide to Omega-3 Benefits and Supplementation by Dr. Mercola is chock full of details. I encourage you to read the entire article, and I’ve summarized a few of his key points below:
- Most of the health benefits of omega-3 fats are linked to the components eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are only found in animal-based omega-3 sources, such as fish and krill. Dr. Mercola strongly recommends krill oil supplements.
- Plant sources of omega-3 fats—such as flaxseed, chia, and hemp—only provide alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). There is some health benefit to plant-based omega-3s, but even if you consume large amounts, your body can only convert a relatively small amount to EPA and DHA.
- Omega-3 fats and their components have many health benefits, but here are some specific to brain health:
- EPA and DHA help keep dopamine levels in the brain high, increase neuronal growth in the frontal cortex, and increase cerebral circulation.
- DHA is linked to children’s ability to learn and score well on tests.
- Omega-3s aid in general brain function, including memory.
- Low levels of EPA and DHA in the elderly are linked to accelerated cognitive decline.
I look forward to sharing lots more information about nutrition for brain health in my upcoming e-book, ADHD BRAIN FOOD: Nutrition for Brain Optimization. This book will be available later this month.
I am interested in this coarse when it opens.
Out of the greatest respect for a man with a vision, it is often difficult to find faith in ourselves when we ourselves do not always believe we can have a power impact on another human being so very quickly. So in this disbelief we create a new form where sadness finds its hold in the strength of being shunned again. Or does it. Offering Hope in a way that makes sense can just right there be enough for that one door to just open. SO in this singular moment, your vision became my reality. And since then I recognize the impact of sense of self may have just been more impactful in a truth of the unknown for the visionary than the receiver. If truth states if you can’t see something, does truly exist? Well knowledge is a gift of wisdom, and only in that moment of vulnerability where perhaps Hope can be found. However, we know that the idea of Hope has the entirety of the human experience put together in a definition just by visiting the past and the many great stories that find a strict practice through repetition as concrete truth. So if Hope is not what we are seeking, then whats the question? Perhaps its the essence of human nature that the tangibility of truth is possible. But what is truth to one, may be to another. My truth is I got a chance to meet one of the greatest minds, who found within himself the ability to remove the ego and find in that raw and rare moment of mindfulness a truth. Its easy enough to takes others visions and remake them as our own, but this vision belong only to you. And that takes an enormous amount of just finding the bravery to make it a reality in a world where often enough, a simple misunderstanding can truly take out balance a very delicate ecosystem and watch it fade in a moment often enough called rejection. And so I validate you in this moment for just taking that chance to offer up an new kind of support system. And if I can just this, honesty is what I consider mindful. And to take any in context of pity or regret or lashing out is mine own, but this a level of respect coming from Wisdom. And that for me to you is a general curiosity of understanding a mind thats wiring seems to driven the general population absolutely manic in trying understand and micromanage. For what? A paper, a claim, to be that one person to fix a behavior. That right there is just madness, driven obsession because for every twenty people, the one carrying ADHD is the one who can accomplish incredible feats (of course you and I both know there is a price to pay in order to do that, because hard work doubles for us). Thats what drives the fear, followed by a singular need to be judge and jury and then reject. So to ever disrespect a fellow ADHDer is to disrespect myself. Its enough for me to just to you. So Don Baker, Thank you for sharing your vision, because it saved my world.